View Full Version : 'Ready Player One' to be discussed at Russell Library - Middletown Press

02-03-2013, 22:22
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&#39;Ready Player One&#39; to be discussed at Russell Library (http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNEM1jfajMc91t8KgDJVYy4jnaEiZw&url=http://middletownpress.com/articles/2013/03/02/news/doc513282c2f182e843695163.txt)
Middletown Press
Set in the year 2044, at its heart it&#39;s a quest that plays out as a scavenger hunt in a virtual universe. You don&#39;t have to be a gamer or understand the 1980&#39;s references to enjoy the novel — it&#39;s also a suspenseful romance with an unlikely and ...

and more &raquo; (http://news.google.ie/news/more?ncl=d_6B4cZna94jpAM&ned=en_ie)

More... (http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNEM1jfajMc91t8KgDJVYy4jnaEiZw&url=http://middletownpress.com/articles/2013/03/02/news/doc513282c2f182e843695163.txt)