View Full Version : Engine for a SNES-style simple RPG? - GameDev.net

03-08-2011, 02:27
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Engine for a SNES-style simple RPG? (http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNF4CLvMxKUjXCLYLw9TMJsx4YI-wQ&url=http://www.gamedev.net/topic/607623-engine-for-a-snes-style-simple-rpg/)
Hello, I&#39;m looking to give game-making a try and decided to aim for a simple RPG with sprites. However it seems like a lot of work to build an engine from scratch for someone as simple as me, so I was wondering if anyone have some recommendations for ...


[url=http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNF4CLvMxKUjXCLYLw9TMJsx4YI-wQ&url=http://www.gamedev.net/topic/607623-engine-for-a-snes-style-simple-rpg/]More... (http://news.google.ie/news/more?pz=1&jfkl=true&ned=en_ie&ncl=dfqEO_D5zB_tJVM)