20-01-2014, 11:34
<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="7" style="vertical-align:top;"><tr><td width="80" align="center" valign="top"><font style="font-size:85%;font-family:arial,sans-serif"></font></td><td valign="top" class="j"><font style="font-size:85%;font-family:arial,sans-serif"><br /><div style="padding-top:0.8em;"><img alt="" height="1" width="1" /></div><div class="lh"><a href=" .html"><b>Titanfall gameplay footage leaks out of Alpha Test</b></a><br /><font size="-1"><b><font color="#6f6f6f"></font></b></font><br /><font size="-1">"There's a reason the build is under NDA," they continued. "It's not for showing off, or giving people a fair idea of what the game looks like, or for pixel counting. You'll still have your chance to scream "lolz pixels lazy devs Goldeneye <b>N64</b> <b>...</b></font><br /><font size="-1" class="p"></font><br /><font class="p" size="-1"><a class="p" href=""><nobr><b>and more »</b></nobr></a></font></div></font></td></tr></table>
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