View Full Version : RMIT University Created an AI That's Really Good at Atari 2600 Games - AusGamers

21-02-2019, 20:59
<a href="https://www.ausgamers.com/news/read/3613135/rmit-university-created-an-ai-thats-really-good-at-atari-2600-games" target="_blank">RMIT University Created an AI That's Really Good at Atari 2600 Games</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#6f6f6f">AusGamers</font><p>One that's better at playing Atari than the Google DeepMind AI. So yeah, that's a thing now. AI schoolyard bragging rights circa 1980. The game in question is ...</p>

More... (https://www.ausgamers.com/news/read/3613135/rmit-university-created-an-ai-thats-really-good-at-atari-2600-games)