View Full Version : Longest-standing video game record declared ‘impossible,’ thrown out after 35 years (update) - Polyg

21-02-2019, 21:59
<a href="https://www.polygon.com/2018/1/29/16944736/atari-dragster-game-world-record-banned" target="_blank">Longest-standing video game record declared ‘impossible,’ thrown out after 35 years (update)</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#6f6f6f">Polygon</font><p>Twin Galaxies, the video game record keeper and official source for Guinness World Records, has declared one of the oldest gaming world records invalid after ...</p>

More... (https://www.polygon.com/2018/1/29/16944736/atari-dragster-game-world-record-banned)