View Full Version : Get a whiff of nostalgia with these Dreamcast and Mega Drive themed scented candles - Nintendo Wire

21-02-2019, 21:59
<a href="https://nintendowire.com/news/2018/06/22/get-a-whiff-of-nostalgia-with-these-dreamcast-and-mega-drive-themed-scented-candles/" target="_blank">Get a whiff of nostalgia with these Dreamcast and Mega Drive themed scented candles</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#6f6f6f">Nintendo Wire</font><p>Sometimes one has to wonder just how much stuff in their house can pertain to a particular brand or company. Evidently, Sega does the same, as the company ...</p>

More... (https://nintendowire.com/news/2018/06/22/get-a-whiff-of-nostalgia-with-these-dreamcast-and-mega-drive-themed-scented-candles/)