View Full Version : Hackers Get Nintendo Virtual Boy Games Running On a 3D TV: Prepare To Burn Your Retinas Again - Gizm

21-02-2019, 20:59
<a href="https://gizmodo.com/hackers-get-nintendo-virtual-boy-games-running-on-a-3d-5918918" target="_blank">Hackers Get Nintendo Virtual Boy Games Running On a 3D TV: Prepare To Burn Your Retinas Again</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#6f6f6f">Gizmodo</font><p>In what has to be one of the least requested hacks of all time, the folks over at Bureau Voor Gamers have managed to get games from Nintendo's first attempt at ...</p>

More... (https://gizmodo.com/hackers-get-nintendo-virtual-boy-games-running-on-a-3d-5918918)