View Full Version : Man Beats Mario 64’s First Bowser Fight Without Using The Control Stick - Kotaku

06-03-2019, 12:08
<a href="https://kotaku.com/someone-found-a-way-to-beat-mario-64-s-first-bowser-fig-1833067485" target="_blank">Man Beats Mario 64’s First Bowser Fight Without Using The Control Stick</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#6f6f6f">Kotaku</font><p>Super Mario 64 expert Pannenkoek2012 has devised a way to defeat Bowser in the game's Dark World without ever using the N64 controller's joystick, and the ...</p>

More... (https://kotaku.com/someone-found-a-way-to-beat-mario-64-s-first-bowser-fig-1833067485)