View Full Version : Nintendo Reveals That They Will Stop Releasing Games For The NES Feature At Some Point - GameFragger

05-04-2019, 12:21
<a href="https://gamefragger.com/nintendo/nintendo-reveals-that-they-will-stop-releasing-games-for-the-nes-feature-at-some-point-a15275" target="_blank">Nintendo Reveals That They Will Stop Releasing Games For The NES Feature At Some Point</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#6f6f6f">GameFragger.com</font><p>Nintendo lets us all know that they will not release titles for the NES feature forever, giving us hope that they'll soon shift their focus to releasing apps for other ...</p>

More... (https://gamefragger.com/nintendo/nintendo-reveals-that-they-will-stop-releasing-games-for-the-nes-feature-at-some-point-a15275)