View Full Version : Remarkable Commodore 64 Port Of Super Mario Bros. Attracts Nintendo's Watchful Eye - Nintendo Life

27-04-2019, 22:23
<a href="http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2019/04/remarkable_commodore_64_port_of_super_mario_bros_a ttracts_nintendos_watchful_eye" target="_blank">Remarkable Commodore 64 Port Of Super Mario Bros. Attracts Nintendo's Watchful Eye</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#6f6f6f">Nintendo Life</font><p>Last week a truly remarkable programming feat came to light with the release of Super Mario Bros. 64, a port of the original NES Super Mario Bros. for the ...</p>

More... (http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2019/04/remarkable_commodore_64_port_of_super_mario_bros_a ttracts_nintendos_watchful_eye)