View Full Version : GBAtemp Exclusive - E3 2019 Show Floor Coverage and Demo Impressions: Rune Factory 4, Dying Light 2,

18-06-2019, 17:29
<a href="https://gbatemp.net/threads/e3-2019-show-floor-coverage-and-demo-impressions-rune-factory-4-dying-light-2-genesis-mini-more.540978/" target="_blank">GBAtemp Exclusive - E3 2019 Show Floor Coverage and Demo Impressions: Rune Factory 4, Dying Light 2, Genesis Mini & more</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#6f6f6f">GBAtemp.net</font><p>As June 13th has come to a close, so has the annual experience of E3. Just like the previous three years, I had the wonderful chance to represent...</p>

More... (https://gbatemp.net/threads/e3-2019-show-floor-coverage-and-demo-impressions-rune-factory-4-dying-light-2-genesis-mini-more.540978/)