View Full Version : Jordan Mechner’s new book will explore the making of Prince of Persia, 3 decades later - VentureBeat

30-06-2019, 03:50
<a href="https://venturebeat.com/2019/06/27/jordan-mechner-is-writing-a-book-on-the-making-of-prince-of-persia-3-decades-later/" target="_blank">Jordan Mechner’s new book will explore the making of Prince of Persia, 3 decades later</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#6f6f6f">VentureBeat</font><p>Jordan Mechner said he is writing a book on the making of The Prince of Persia, based on journals he kept 30 years ago. It will come out in 2020.</p>

More... (https://venturebeat.com/2019/06/27/jordan-mechner-is-writing-a-book-on-the-making-of-prince-of-persia-3-decades-later/)