View Full Version : Book Excerpt: 'The Van Appel Girls Are Gone' Unpacks a Childhood Trauma - Flavorpill

04-07-2019, 09:47
<a href="http://flavorwire.com/617640/book-excerpt-the-van-appel-girls-are-gone-unpacks-a-childhood-trauma" target="_blank">Book Excerpt: 'The Van Appel Girls Are Gone' Unpacks a Childhood Trauma</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#6f6f6f">Flavorpill</font><p>In Felicity McLean's debut novel, a young woman returns to her home in the Australian bush to discover the truth about a traumatic summer.</p>

More... (http://flavorwire.com/617640/book-excerpt-the-van-appel-girls-are-gone-unpacks-a-childhood-trauma)