View Full Version : The Nintendo Switch Lite Is Inferior, but I'm Going to Buy It Anyway - IGN Africa

13-07-2019, 01:50
<a href="https://za.ign.com/nintendo-switch-lite/134567/opinion/the-nintendo-switch-lite-is-inferior-but-im-going-to-buy-it-anyway" target="_blank">The Nintendo Switch Lite Is Inferior, but I'm Going to Buy It Anyway</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#6f6f6f">IGN Africa</font><p>I'm going to buy the Switch Lite. It was as easy as Nintendo announcing that the new version of the system is “dedicated to handheld play” to get me on board.</p>

More... (https://za.ign.com/nintendo-switch-lite/134567/opinion/the-nintendo-switch-lite-is-inferior-but-im-going-to-buy-it-anyway)