View Full Version : It Only Took Five Hours To Beat Super Mario Odyssey Blindfolded - Kotaku

15-08-2019, 03:42
<a href="https://kotaku.com/it-only-took-five-hours-to-beat-super-mario-odyssey-bli-1837219015" target="_blank">It Only Took Five Hours To Beat Super Mario Odyssey Blindfolded</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#6f6f6f">Kotaku</font><p>The best speedrunners in the world can beat the Nintendo Switch game Super Mario Odyssey in under an hour. On Monday, it took speedrunner Katun24 just ...</p>

More... (https://kotaku.com/it-only-took-five-hours-to-beat-super-mario-odyssey-bli-1837219015)