View Full Version : Sega Genesis Mini Changes Its Backgrounds, Box Art, and Even Game ROMs, Depending On Which Language

23-08-2019, 19:46
<a href="https://nordic.ign.com/sega-genesis-mini/28526/preview/sega-genesis-mini-changes-its-backgrounds-box-art-and-even-game-roms-depending-on-which-language-you" target="_blank">Sega Genesis Mini Changes Its Backgrounds, Box Art, and Even Game ROMs, Depending On Which Language You Choose</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#6f6f6f">IGN Nordic</font><p>I've been messing around with the Sega Genesis Mini for a little while now, and so far I'm impressed. Going into it, I expected to find the level of polish M2 is ...</p>

More... (https://nordic.ign.com/sega-genesis-mini/28526/preview/sega-genesis-mini-changes-its-backgrounds-box-art-and-even-game-roms-depending-on-which-language-you)