Thought I'd start a thread about this mod I'm doing on my Amiga 600.
I'm installing a floppy drive emulator internally and also mounting a small basic LCD screen into the case.
This is the emulator:
It didn't come with any wires or anything like that so its up to the user to sort out any extensions or mods to the lcd or buttons. After a super fast order from the ever reliable SK Pang (which arrived today) I hooked up some solder free wires and extended the LCD(solder free for the moment).
A quick tidy up on the wires and time to see how she'll sit inside the A600:
(You can see the basic idea I'm going for with the lcd and buttons. They will be mounted inside the case so the lcd pcb wont be showing or anything like that)
Another option:
SD card slot will need cutting as well:
That's really it for the moment. I've got another empty A600 case coming from the UK and it should be here this week.
So I have a second chance in case I feck up the cutting