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  1. #71
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    Ok, not many updates from me in the last week or so. Been very busy with a new business venture.

    Anyway, I've been testing using Sugru to fill in some gaps and hold connectors in place like the USB and Network etc. So far it seems to work pretty well and now I just need to mix up some Sugru to match the colour of the Game Boy and I think that will be what I use to hold a lot of things in place.

    More updates and a few pics coming soon.

  2. #72
    I have been busy with my Gameboy case. I have taken a heap of the plastic out. Just need to work out how I am attaching the battery cover though. I intend to leave it as a removable piece, but the retaining clip takes up so much space.
    I am also looking for a way to charge the phone batteries and boost the output of the from ~3.7V to 5V. There is such limited room in the case, that I don't see it all fitting without chopping up circuit boards.

    How is yours going? I check this post (and your one) about twice a day :P

  3. #73
    I finally got my Raspberry Pi last week! I managed to pickup an original gameboy for a quid although it is missing the battery cover just waiting for the Tri-Wing screwdriver to come in the post! Don't have a dremmel though, might be a big problem.
    Any advances with other cheap screens?

  4. #74
    Not sure if it helps, but i used a cheap knockoff dremel to cut out the main parts of the battery section, but then used a sharp pocket knife to make cut outs, slowly shave away the excess, and clean up the insides. Just be careful though; I ended up with a few scratches across my knuckles and fingers from the tall plastic spikes that hold the case in place.

    You should be able to pick up a cheap battery cover on eBay, but you may have issues with matching the colour.
    Last edited by camer0n; 05-07-2012 at 13:07.

  5. #75
    Retroman, have you had any trouble fitting the ION Go controller into the Gameboy case with the Raspberry Pi?

    Do you have any more updates? It's been such a long time since your last post, and a long time before that. Good luck with the new business

  6. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by camer0n View Post
    Retroman, have you had any trouble fitting the ION Go controller into the Gameboy case with the Raspberry Pi?

    Do you have any more updates? It's been such a long time since your last post, and a long time before that. Good luck with the new business
    I've just not had time to do any real work on it to be honest. I got a bit of free time recently but spent that modding my Amiga 600 which can be seen on another thread.

  7. #77
    Retroman, not sure if you have the same LCD as me (I am hoping you do), but I was wondering if you could take a picture of the LCD controller board. I have been cutting mine down so as to fit it in the case, but unfortunately I have lost my notes on the wiring for the RCA and Power cables, and the scribbles I did on the PCB have rubbed off.

    I need to know which colour cables connect to which wire.

  8. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by camer0n View Post
    Retroman, not sure if you have the same LCD as me (I am hoping you do), but I was wondering if you could take a picture of the LCD controller board. I have been cutting mine down so as to fit it in the case, but unfortunately I have lost my notes on the wiring for the RCA and Power cables, and the scribbles I did on the PCB have rubbed off.

    I need to know which colour cables connect to which wire.
    I'm actually on my way to Japan at the moment so cant check the actual LCD board but I can say with 100 percent certainty that the below info is correct for my screens.

    red= +12v
    green = ground
    black= av1
    white= av2

  9. #79
    Retroman, thankyou, but unfortunately I need to know the position on the board. Perhaps I will have to take a picture to show you what I mean. Have fun in Japan

  10. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by camer0n View Post
    Retroman, thankyou, but unfortunately I need to know the position on the board. Perhaps I will have to take a picture to show you what I mean. Have fun in Japan
    Yeah, maybe a pic would help me understand what you mean.
    On my LCD controller board the solder connections are labels +12v, ground, av1 and av2. And the coloured wires connect to each of these.


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